Sunday, November 24, 2013

** Daily Devotions * November 25, 2013 * Something to Live For * Walking the Walk with Christ **

"Before long, the world will not see Me anymore, but you will see Me. Because I live, you also will live.   John 14:19"

Many people harbor anxiety because the future is unknown to them, and become pessimistic and discouraged. We must constantly remind ourselves that life is extremely precious, so that we don’t fall into the trap of depression.

Even if the future seems bleak, you can be assured that your life and future are in God's hands. God is in control of everything. There is joy in Christ because He is the Rock on which you can build your life. His grace is sufficient to get you through each day.

Seize this life and live it in the abundance of Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.

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