Tuesday, November 19, 2013

** Walk the Walk with Christ * Devotions * November 20, 2013 **

Jesus Lives by Sarah Young
Seeing His Love in Your Life

I WANT YOU TO LIVE CLOSE TO Me, SEEING THINGS FROM My PRESPECTIVE MORE AND MORE. Walk as a child of Light, for My radiance is all around you and also within you; it transforms you inside and out. Remember that you were once darkness until My Spirit quickened you to life, empowering you to live in My Holy Presence. Dwell on this blessed remembrance until gratitude for My glorious grace wells up within you.

Trust Me to lead you step by step through each day. I provide sufficient Light for only one day at a time. If you try to look into the future, you will find yourself peering into darkness: My face shines upon you only in the present! This is where you find My gracious love that never fails you. Live ever so near Me --flourishing in My transforming Light.

"For you were once darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord. Walk as children of Light. " Ephesians 5:8

"The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you."  Numbers 6:25

"Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God."   Psalm 92:13


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